These infos are for personal use only. For commercial illustration, contact me directly at [email protected]

Please read the TOS bellow before commission me!
Thank you so much for your interest ♡

Prices & exemples

listed at the image

+ U$20 for props/simple backgrounds

+ %50 for additional character
as mentioned

Full Illustration

prices start at U$250 plus

will include complex design and composition, as well as a full body character.
+U$50 for add character

*feel free to ask me anything at instagram dm or email if you have any question

Lola Nuncio Terms of Service (2021)
Personal Commissions

for commercial freelance contact directly at [email protected]

• Commissions will be answered as soon as possible, as I will need to check availability, so please be patient.

Please be familiar with my art style before commissioning me, trust my stylistic choices and my creative process

• I can reject doing any changes that I think will go against my art style

• I work digitally, and depending on my art process I work with a few layers usually merging them. So please, if you have any specific detail/color/pose let me know right at the beginning and being as clear and specific as you can.

• Send me visual reference / moodboard / anything you think will help to simply your idea. Even a rough sketch will be enough.

• For the time to finish your commission: I'll let you know at the time. (it will depend on detail, type, current time on queue). If you need it to be urgent, please let me know.


• Half payment beforehand and half after approved (you can pay full beforehand, it's up to you)

• In case you decide to give up on the commission, no refunds will be made if I have already started it.

• Paypal only

By commissioning me, you have agreed to all the terms listed above